Friday, February 01, 2008


"Those that seek Me early shall find Me." Proverbs 8:17

Each Monday evening I have the priviledge of teaching some young souls, the Bible
there is something atleast that amuses me and keeps me going for another week:
when doing the Closing Activities of the class, a kid asked me with concern
"Teacher whats your tribe?" knowing whats going on in Kenya todate I laughed it off!
it is such times that I call the cheecky moment!

John beheaded! Jesus feeds 5000! man walks on water!
Our lesson was from Matthew 14
what a scary day, yet full of surprses; if you read newspapers off the street the way I sometimes do, you would share some of my sentiments.

Seing Peter walk on water that short distance was surprising in itself but also reminds me of Gods love and how far I am yet to go,When Peter began to really sink, God was present, and there to save him despite his little faith. my wish is that I may take a little step further.

Those guys that stayed in the boat were real faithfuls like I was.
I would rather sink with God in sight than stay in a boat that led to no where noteworthy, My prayer request is that I may stay afloat for as long as it takes.

I guess you know your whereabouts, dont you? Jesus too walked on water!

am out of the boat!

God bless