For some reason, (usually not good a good one) I struggle to pen in these few thoughts that always linger on in mind, As the year clocks towards its end I am a bit frightened, as to the amount of work I need to do and how much I have done so far.
Imagine this Dad with a big family loving and caring, calls you into his study room to give you set of instructions about your siblings, well as he is talking looks into the window and sees the kids with their other older brother raving off, shouting, apparently happy.
The Dad is furious, you knowing him and your siblings you plead with him, reminding him of the promises he had made to you when you were kids. After along silence he says "Alright, take this to them" he hands you a book.
Well as get down stairs, the kids are back, music is turned on full blast, chair are upside down, you actually notice that even you glass award in last year's music festival has been broken, mess is the word to describe the situation.
You cant exactly take it in, you throw your father's book at them and puff! overturn everything,
Whah! one such person who went through such experience was Moses, thousands of years ago He went to talk to God, at the mountain and ...
"Ex 32:132:1 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, "Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don't know what has happened to him."... ( NIV)
I know for sure the race is on